I strongly believe that abilities and knowledge should be shared and be accessible on a global level according to a multidisciplinary approach.
My engagement with Health Management proceeds from and is strengthened by clinical competency in the field. Therefore, throughout the last 28 years of my professional experience as surgeon, I have approached and committed myself to Global Health and the Development and Management of Public Health Systems.
As Global Consultant on Public Health I have had the opportunity to cooperate with the main international institutions (Unicef, WHO, ICRC, Msf) and attain significant experience in the following fields:
- Emergency Medical Services
- Disaster Preparedness & Response
- Emergency Operation Centre
- Mother & Child Health
- International Health Regulation
- Migrant Health
- Executive Training

I am presently Senior Advisor of the Ministry of Health of Greece and recently I have worked as Senior Advisor of the DPR development Plan at the Ministry of Health of Jordan and have been involved in a project promoted by the WHO – World Health Organization – on the EOC Development Plan in Jordan and Afghanistan.
Global Health Educational Degrees
- Diploma on Tropical Medicine & Hygiene – Royal College of Physicians of London
- Master on Tropical Surgery – University of Rome, “La Sapienza”
- ICHM – International Master Course on Health Management – Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome
- AHLF – Advanced Global Health Leadership Forum – Berkeley University, San Francisco – USA
Emergency Medical Services
2005 –2009:EMS Programme Manager for WHO – World Health Organization – European Office – Barcelona – Spain- Strengthened the core functions of the Health Systems of all Member States of the WHO – European Region (Europe and Central Asia)
- Promoted an integrated model of a national policy for a network of emergency system
- Advised Ministries of Health of the European Region of the WHO to strengthen capacity to deliver Emergency Care
- Assisted Governments and MoHs in the application to international funding and granting mechanisms
- Supervised the EU funded project on “Assessing effectiveness of EMS systems in Europe and strenghtening coordination mechanisms among EU member States”
Key achievements
- Published the book “Emergency Medical Systems in the European Union“
Disaster Preparedness & Response
2004 – 2009: DPR Co-ordinator and Member of the Support Team for WHO – World Health Organization – European Office – Barcelona – Spain- Integrated the EMS and the Disaster Preparedness & Response programmes with functional and operational links. Collaborated with DPR to the planning of the unit
- Contributed to the upsurge capacity of the organization in time of disasters & emergencies
- Published the book “A practical tool for hospital crisis preparedness planning”
1998: DPR Head of Office for WHO – World Health Organization – European Office – Kosovo – Serbia-Montenegro
- Planned contingency for emergency preparedness in the verge of the refugee crisis in Kosovo
- Co-ordinated health services and international NGOs in the delivery of emergency assistance
- Set up an Epidemiological Surveillance System
Emergency Operation Centre
2010 – present: EOC Global Health Consultant for WHO – World Health Organization – Eastern Mediterranean Region- Provided technical support to the Emergency Operation Centre at the MoH in Jordan
- Provided technical consultation and support to develop the Emergency Response Plan and Standard Operating Procedure for managing the Command Control Centre (CCC) in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
- Established an EOC to implement the International Health Regulations (IHR) in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Mother & Child Health
2001 – 2005: MCH International Health Consultant for UNICEF Uganda Country Office / Azerbaijan Country Office / FYR of Macedonia- Field implementation for immunization and outreach activities. Scaling of Home Based Care (Uganda)
- Managed implementation and monitoring of the health and nutrition activities in the Annual Work Plan (Azerbaijan)
- Acted as HIV/AIDS focal point. Represented Unicef on the Country Coordinating Mechanism set up by the MoH for management of Global Fund for AIDS, TB, Malaria (Azerbaijan)
- Managed all projects in Health and Nutrition. Planned the 2002-2004 programme cycle (Macedonia)
- Developed projects on Primary Health Care, HIV/AIDS prevention, Social Mobilisation, Health Promotion & Education, EPI, Refugees relief, Breastfeeding Promotion, Assistance to Intravenous Drug Users (Macedonia)
- Supervised the EU-ECHO funded project: “Baby friendly Hospital Initiative” (Macedonia)
- Upgraded the level of care in the maternity wards and trained in-service medical staff (Macedonia)
- Immunisation and Rapid Health Assessment of refugee population (Macedonia)
- Organized National or Sub-National Vaccination Campaigns (Uganda, Macedonia)